ISO 14001 is the most widely recognized Environmental Management System ( EMS ) standard in the world . Supply chain sustainability is a key outcome of ISO 14001 certification , as businesses are faced with customer requests to establish and document environmentally and
socially responsible practices . By achieving ISO 14001 certification , an organization demonstrates to stakeholders its commitment among others
to prevent pollution , to fulfil its
compliance obligations and to strive for continuous improvement of environmental performance . Main features include :
Strategic environmental management
A requirement to understand the organization ’ s context is vital to identify and leverage opportunities for the benefit of both the organization and the environment . Particular focus is on issues or changing circumstances related to the needs and expectations of interested parties ( including regulatory requirements ) and local , regional or global environmental conditions that can affect , or be affected by , the organization . Once identified as a priority , actions to mitigate adverse risks or exploit beneficial opportunities are integrated in the operational planning of the EMS .
To ensure the success of the system , specific responsibilities are assigned to those in leadership roles to promote environmental management within the organization .
Protecting the environment
The expectation on organizations includes commitment to proactive initiatives that protect the environment from harm and degradation , consistent with the context of the organization . ISO 14001:2015 does not define ‘ protect the environment ’ but it notes that it can include prevention of pollution , sustainable resource use , climate change mitigation and adaptation , protection of biodiversity and ecosystems , etc .
Environmental performance
There is a clear emphasis with regards to continual improvement , from improving the management system to improving environmental performance . Consistent with the organization ’ s policy commitments , it would reduce emissions , effluents and waste to levels set by the organization , where applicable .
Lifecycle perspective
In addition to the requirement to manage environmental aspects associated with procured goods and services , an organization will need to extend its control and influence to the environmental impacts associated with product design and development to address each stage of the lifecycle , i . e . acquisition of raw materials , design , production , transportation / delivery , use , endof-life treatment and final disposal . This does not imply a requirement to do a lifecycle assessment .
Outsourced processes
Organizations must effectively control or influence outsourced processes .