Manufacturing Today Issue 210 Issue 210 March 2023 | Page 62

The chemicals industry is one of the most polluting in the world . In addition to being responsible for 30 percent of global carbon emissions ; it can also be accountable for releasing toxic compounds . As such , we rarely hear about the processes used to

▲ Gaurab Chakrabarti and Sean Hunt
refine products within the chemicals sector . Fortunately , the opposite is true at Solugen . Based in Texas , the company is incredibly proud of what is taking place in its bioforges , which use feedstocks to produce molecules that are sustainable and cost-effective . Furthermore , as one of its founders is a physician , the business swears by the oath to do no harm to the planet . This means not only sustaining the lives of the people within and around its operation , but also the environment .
The team at Solugen has developed a process that uses bio-based feedstocks instead of petroleum , thereby actively removing carbon from the atmosphere . Having introduced the concept of the first carbon negative molecule , and how it can be scaled to meet the needs of a range of industries , Solugen has become a global leader in scalable synthetic biology .