Manufacturing Today Issue 210 Issue 210 March 2023 | Page 80

calls and asks for their job back . We may not be the most financially rewarding company , but we must be doing something right , and I believe it ’ s the family-owned culture .”
Recently , Cold Control has been steadily aiming its trajectory towards domestic work
and smaller installations , in a move away from larger projects . Lee believes the continued working from home initiatives across the country to be a driving force behind this market , as he concludes : “ It ’ s a lot cheaper to only heat or cool one room in your house , and we ’ ve seen those sales numbers improve . It ’ s only a matter of time before peoples ’ houses join cars , restaurants , offices and retail outlets in employing air conditioning for greater comfort . Last year was a good year , but this year is going to be a great one .” ■
www . coldcontrol . co . uk