Helipebs have two ladies in our engineering design office , Lucy and Beth , and one of our highly skilled machinists is a lady named Poppy . She started with us as an apprentice and is one of our most talented in the machine shop . I am looking to employ apprentices at the moment for next September and was overjoyed at one of our recent open evenings . A young lady who came to talk to us is coming into the business next week to understand a little bit more about what we do . Hopefully , it is something that will capture her imagination .”
Improving operations
The United Kingdom has always had a long and proud engineering history , and although it is currently facing a labor shortage , Victoria is optimistic about the increasing enthusiasm regarding apprenticeships . “ I ’ m seeing businesses make a concerted effort to improve their training schemes , and as a result , new starters are jumping onboard , which is excellent . We have this gulf in terms of demographics , where folks are coming to the end of their careers , and seeing the younger ones pick things up is encouraging ,” she shares .
In summary , for more than 100 years , Helipebs has been honing its technical expertise , and delivering the highest quality engineered solutions for industries across the world . These practices have led the award-winning business to be internationally recognized as a sector leader . For Victoria , this continued success would not be possible without its exceptionally hard-working team and determination to improve its operation . ■
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