_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ESG
such as excess energy consumption or material waste , and help your plant run better , faster , cheaper , and safer .
Implement energyefficient technologies Technologies like LED lighting , variable speed drives , and energy-efficient motors can help reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability .
Develop and implement sustainability strategies Work with stakeholders to develop and implement sustainability strategies , such as reducing carbon emissions , improving waste management , and promoting renewable energy sources .
Still deliberating on sustainability and ESG strategies ? When it comes to ESG and how organizations are delivering on their goals , consumers , investors , and employees have spoken and their authority and influence is increasing in both size and impact .
The ‘ one-and-done approach ’ for your sustainability goals just doesn ’ t cut it anymore . You need to be laser-focused on your ESG efforts not only across your organization but your whole supply chain . Small changes can and will make a difference , but having a roadmap for continuous improvement to help get you started on your journey to your ultimate goal is key . With the right vision , plan , and execution you can ensure long-term success and profitability for your business , while also contributing to a better world . ■
Limuel Sagadraca www . lce . com
Limuel Sagadraca is Vice President , Reliability Consulting Group and Thomas Risley is Director , Energy Programs at LCE . For more than 50 years , LCE has helped organizations , large and small , public and private , local and global , transform how they think , understand and manage the life cycle of their assets to meet business goals . It provides consulting , engineering , information technology and education solutions that deliver lasting results .
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