Manufacturing Today Issue - 214 July 2023 | Page 52


It ’ s no surprise

Since 2018 , Astonish has tripled its turnover , but is only getting started

In 1971 , Alan Moss established a revolutionary mild-abrasive cleaner by the name of Klin . Alan was a demonstrator by trade , a talent that he used to market the product via one of the era ’ s greatest channels : agricultural and indoor exhibition shows . These included the likes of The Great York Show and the Ideal Home Exhibition , and the market audiences marveled at the product ’ s capabilities .

However , as the cleaner ’ s popularity grew , Alan ’ s suppliers struggled to keep up with its soaring demand . Unfazed , he drew once again from his entrepreneurial drive , and bought a secondhand mixing tank to start producing the formula himself . As the story goes , this saw Alan through until the mid-to-late 1990s , when an American tourist purchased Klin and returned home to his job in a luxury New York department store to spread the word of its prowess .