“ Our three business channels comprise our own brands , which represent 43 percent of our turnover , our private label operations , which account for 37 percent , and our contract manufacturing that makes up the remaining 20 . We export 40 percent of all branded sales all over the world , into Europe , the Middle East , South Africa , South America , USA , Australia , China , Korea , and Vietnam , the list goes on .”
Creightons is a member of the CTPA trade association . It is also an AB member of Sedex , and hold many accreditations across both sites . It carries the BRCGS consumer goods standard , with an AA rating , ISO 9001 and ISO 22716 , as well as being accredited by the Camden CLAS for its Microbiological Laboratory , RSPO
Chain of Custody Accreditation and the Fairtrade Foundation Accreditation .
“ We ’ re also approved manufacturers for all of the major UK retailers and a number of multinational companies with major stores across the globe ,” Martin continues . “ Our focus on capabilities is a key element we consider when we ’ re looking to acquire other businesses . For example , with Broad Oak in 2016 , the company possessed a state-of-the-art perfume manufacturing suite , which allowed us to break into the perfumery sector . Similarly , we inherited its soap line and were able to join the soap sector too . However , the main reason we
The majority of that growth has been organic 106