Manufacturing Today Issue - 215 August 2023 | Page 124

Manufacturing engineering , in particular , serves as the backbone of this sector , providing the expertise needed to bridge the gap between concept and creation
development cycle , as well as regulatory changes , to keep us ahead of the game . “ It goes without saying that quality is of paramount importance ; it ’ s our key foundational priority ,” Chris says . “ We want our products to last for a long time with the same optimal performance . All our employees take pride in the difference we facilitate for patients . In fact , a handful of our employees have even been recipients of our products .”
Exactech is proud of its culture of innovation and consistently seeks out the unsolved challenges facing surgeons in the operating room . “ We bring brilliant engineers and global thought-leading surgeons together around a table or in a cadaver lab , and we explore ‘ how can we do this better ?’ It becomes a dynamic and iterative process with lots of design , testing and repetition until the solution is polished and ready for the O . R .
Usually , a new product will be in development between two and three years because these implants are incredibly sophisticated , need to last a long time and perform well for people of all walks of life .”
Chris then elaborates on the manufacturing process , and what it takes to bring together such high-level products . “ Medical device manufacturing combines the strengths of manufacturing and engineering . With meticulous precision and unwavering attention to detail , these fields come together