Manufacturing Today Issue - 215 August 2023 | Page 150

has been related to the ongoing labor shortage felt across the country .
“ It ’ s a difficult one to face ,” says Duane , “ because I love to give people chances and watch them flourish alongside the business . When possible , I like to support people in their career path working their way up through Haith just like I did . Another aspect of my role that I find extremely rewarding is watching the transformation of truckloads of steel coming in through our gates and finished machines heading back out . It always makes me proud to think ‘ we built that !’
Award-winning enterprise
“ Our USP is our deeply rooted family-engineering DNA , which means we have long-tenured
... the Haith name has been synonymous with innovation for many years
engineers designing and building our products . Coupled with our multi-skilled management team , which brings people from different commercial backgrounds and with different skillsets together , it ’ s really all down to our incredible workforce that we can facilitate our continued developments and innovation .” In maintaining its stellar working culture , the organization issues quarterly newsletters and is currently looking to invest in a new communal break area to offer the teams somewhere to relax together . 150