Most companies will see tremendous success by implementing these tactics , and others , to reduce their overall waste - and their overall costs
pressure monitoring , etc .
Tailored waste receptacles : One large dumpster that is only ever 70 percent full will be charged at full price . Using smaller waste bins instead , each dedicated to specific needs ( for waste , recycling , compost ) would use resources more efficiently and make the sorting process easier down the road . The deployment of commercial waste bin monitoring technology can also support greater efficiency of services , both on the generation and logistical pick-up of the business .
Implementing behavioral changes : While there will always be new technologies to invest in and new equipment to buy , at the end of the day each person across an organization need to adopt and follow the waste management program at the facility . I ’ ve had clients say they package and haul their cardboard appropriately . But when we perform an audit , we find that 25 percent of their general waste is cardboard because people find it easier to dispose of in areas that are convenient . A combination of bin placement and training can help address that issue .
Most companies will see tremendous success by implementing these tactics , and others , to reduce their overall waste - and their overall costs . throughout the facility , the common language used by the majority of workers may not be the common language used in the local area .
The current state , the current processes , how material flows through a plant , what equipment is being used will each give direction on what interventions would be most impactful - including both infrastructural and behavioral adjustments . Increasingly , companies are recognizing that waste reduction is helping to reduce their Scope 3 emissions by keeping garbage out of landfills , cutting hauling trips , and extending product lifespans . Thorough audits and data around materials cost and usage will help identify ways to minimize waste overall , opportunities to sell what could be raw materials to another organization , and possibilities to integrate principles of circularity - each of which will go a long way to help any organization reach its ambitious decarbonization and waste management goals . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Arnold Bower www . engieimpact . com
Finding the right waste solutions
While there are commonalities across the manufacturing sector , the waste solutions will vary not only from company to company , but from site to site within one organization . For example , when considering the language used for waste management signage
Arnold Bowers is Senior Director , Expansion Waste Service at ENGIE Impact . ENGIE Impact delivers sustainability solutions and services to corporations , cities and governments across the globe . ENGIE Impact brings together a wide range of strategic and technical capabilities , to provide a comprehensive offer to support clients in tackling their complex sustainability challenges from strategy to execution .
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