Manufacturing Today Issue - 216 September 2023 | Page 117

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Harsco
Rail continue to evolve through the use of robust electronics , more intuitive operator interfaces , and enhanced automation , utilizing systems with embedded AI like our IRIS package .
“ We will also see a shift in production due to environmental concerns . The worldwide infatuation with electrification will continue for some time , but it ’ s somewhat difficult to apply in the rail industry as our activities require a large energy output for a significant period . For this reason , maintenance vehicles with hydrogen powered engines are more suited to our operation , providing a means to address the overriding emissions concerns without disruption to overall machine architecture .
“ As our maintenance machines are often in remote locations and exposed to extreme duty cycles and harsh conditions , our consistent priorities remain productivity , reliability , and safety ,” Robert concludes . “ I ’ m confident that Harsco will continue to be a thriving , successful business moving forward , potentially operating independently from our current parent company , Enviri , in the long term .” ■
www . harscorail . com
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