Martin Gaffney , Commercial Director , has walked a welldecorated career path to his position with Tharsus Group ( Tharsus ). Having started out as an engineering apprentice at IBM , he found a lifelong passion for electronics and manufacturing , and was even involved in the enterprise ’ s first server blade project in the late 1990s . As a result , he solidified his place in the contract manufacturing world , and all it has to offer .
“ So I grew up as an engineer and then decided to move into business ,” he explains . “ I had my engineering degree , but went back to acquire my master ’ s in strategy , to focus on the world of sales and business development . As a result , I ’ ve worked for the likes of BAE Systems and TT electronics , and explored market sectors such as medical , retail ,
communications , and aerospace and defense as areas for growth . My heart always remained with electronics manufacturing , however , so when the opportunity arose to help lead Tharsus on its next journey , it was one that I was thoroughly ready to seize .”
Tharsus was established close to 60 years ago , and , up until the last couple of decades , was primarily based in complex metal fabrication . These operations are still the mainstay of its sister company , Universal Wolf .
Over the last ten-to-15 years , however , the group has shifted its attention to focus on advanced manufacturing and complex electro-mechanical assembly work .
“ One of our largest milestones regarding this change of direction , was our meeting and subsequent work with Ocado on its warehouse delivery robots ,” Martin continues .