______________________________________________________________________________________________________ North
North Sails truly set the tone for the future of sail technology
using spread filament tapes laid over the 3D mold . These microfilaments create tapes that can be laid within catenary loads using robotics . This renders a composite structure which eliminates the Mylar film , which means exceptional lasting ability . By the time 2010 and 2011 came around , the 3Di sails were soaring , and within around five years , we ceased production of 3DL .
“ That ’ s just how we operate ,” he concludes , “ we ’ re always looking at new opportunities . Oakley Capital is passionate about growing all the companies under the
North Technology Group and maintaining their overall health . It ’ s the adage , ‘ if you stop growing , you start dying .’ We ’ ve got a real hunger to continue to get bigger and better and to watch our product line evolve . As an American , I like to use the baseball analogy that right now , we ’ re hitting lots of singles each and every day , but we ’ re always striving for those home runs to get things moving even faster .” ■
www . northsails . com
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