customers can depend . Since 2005 , the Burton family has encouraged a united and supportive company culture to see the business through market disturbances .
Now , as a collective majority shareholder , the company continues to grow from strength to strength .
One aspect that the business is particularly proud of is its approach to sustainability . Available to the public , its commitment outlines its vision of manufacturing towards a sustainable future , enveloping the products , processes , and people within the communities it operates .
It is Cenveo ’ s policy to conduct all activities in a sustainable manner , and implement business in compliance with applicable environmental , safety , and social regulations . From Manufacturing Today ’ s research , the business is committed to continuous improvement of processes and products , utilizing a management system that identifies , prioritizes and addresses environmental , sustainable , and social risks to minimize its impact on the environment and the communities in which it operates .
The policy seeks to tackle day-to-day tasks in a bid to ensure all operations are streamlined to be efficient and unharmful to the planet . Accordingly , the business holds high expectations of everyone who works for and with Cenveo Worldwide Limited to apply the key principles that guide operations .
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