Manufacturing Today Issue - 217 October 2023 | Page 101

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EVBox
critical importance of uptime for efficient EV charging . Thus , we have taken proactive measures to address any service issues that may arise . Our support team is readily available to respond promptly through remote monitoring and troubleshooting . With our best-in-class remote tech support , we are committed to delivering industry-leading uptimes . Additionally , we provide one of the best manufacturer warranties in the EVSE ( Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ) space , which includes parts and labor . EVBox customers also have the option to extend their coverage for up to five years with our service contract and maintenance plans . One of our goals is to establish a dedicated
US operations center , complete with a highly skilled team and a local supply base . Our efforts have led us to achieve BABA ( Build America , Buy America ) compliance for DC charge units manufactured at our facility in Libertyville ,” he informs .
Rob delves into EVBox ’ s approach to scalability and effectively managing the everincreasing demand . “ It is inevitable for any operations organization to face ongoing and varying degrees of change in various forms . Therefore , our approach and methods must be adaptable and remain agile . I would say then that agility is the key factor that enables us to keep up with demand . In Libertyville , our preparations for DC production this
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