Manufacturing Today Issue - 217 October 2023 | Page 25

______________________________________________________________________________________ Smart manufacturing
Quality control
The assembly line allowed for standardized production , ensuring consistency in product quality and creating a perception of higher reliability and trust in products produced via assembly line methods . Generative AI models can analyze images or sensor data to improve quality control processes by automatically identifying defects or anomalies in products . Generative AI models can quickly identify deviations from the desired specifications , enabling manufacturers to take corrective actions in real-time .
Speed to market
Just as the assembly line enabled manufacturers to bring products to market faster by reducing the time between product conception and availability in the market , generative AI models can optimize supply chain operations by analyzing vast amounts of data related to demand forecasts , inventory levels , transportation routes , and supplier performance . These models can identify optimal inventory levels , suggest efficient transportation routes , and optimize
procurement decisions , leading to reduced costs , improved delivery times , and enhanced overall supply chain efficiency . This advantage will enable manufacturers to respond more swiftly to changing consumer demands and capitalize on market trends , leaving nonadopters struggling to keep pace .
Promising new technology presents new legal questions to be considered . For example , the assembly line posed new questions relating to employer-employee relations , worker safety issues , antitrust and monopolistic practices , and product liability . Some of the new legal issues presented by the use of generative AI technologies include intellectual property rights , data privacy and security issues , ethical and bias considerations , and regulatory compliance concerns .
Intellectual property rights
Generative AI systems have the potential to create new designs , artworks , or other creative outputs . It is crucial that manufacturers ensure that the AI-generated outputs do not infringe upon existing copyrights , trademarks , or patents . Additionally , manufacturers should
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