Manufacturing Today Issue - 217 October 2023 | Page 39

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sustainability
carbon abatement pledges and utilizing electrification ( switching steam driven and hydraulic power to electric wherever possible ) as part of that strategy , putting even more pressure on the system .
Sophisticated digitally driven microgrids become a key ingredient , enabling control of critical power needs in localized hubs to ensure vital assets do not suffer unexpected or intermittent shutdowns or brownouts .
Tracing the use of green electricity
Many manufacturers globally are implementing digitalization initiatives to assure traceability and auditability so that they can track use of renewable power , green power , and feedstocks content through their value chain and manage , report , audit and communicate the impact on carbon intensity of products .
This is crucial to gaining more access to capital for decarbonization investment in economically developing regions and
auditing results . Investments in renewables and intelligent grids go hand-in-hand with carbon trading and also financial reporting , to monetize decarbonization efforts . Digital solutions supporting those distributed generation sources and grids play a crucial role in accurately tracing carbon emissions from renewable source to industrial end use , to calculation and tracking of carbon intensity of finished products produced via renewable energy and issuing of green certificates .
Distributing , optimizing and ensuring a resilient grid
Many manufacturers are already exploring renewable solutions , such as energy storage technology , direct air carbon capture , wind and solar farm optimization , hydrogen fuel cells and distributed generation and distribution . With the proliferation of distributed renewable power sources , grids need to be more digitally enabled , to dynamically manage the variability of both supply and demand and ensure 100
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