Manufacturing Today Issue - 219 December 2023 | Page 43

______________________________________________ K
& N Engineering
Turning to the future , Leigh details some of the challenges K & N are navigating : “ The biggest challenge for us is deciding where to focus . If we take data centers , for example , they are everywhere , in every city in the world . While we ’ ve got an established presence in most countries across the globe , we ’ re the new guys within this space , so we must prioritize our time effectively and consider how to prove our concept in a critical infrastructure environment . We ’ ve invested in top talent from the data center space to not only help us build a five-year strategy , but also to understand how to communicate our product in a different way that enables us to understand key insights and needs of clients in this field .
“ However , our filtration solution goes beyond data centers . If you think about industrial filtration , there ’ s manufacturing facilities , shopping centers , government buildings , and hospitals . That ’ s without exploring domestic and residential filtration
for air conditioning units or domestic furnaces , for example . It ’ s a positive challenge to be faced with , but we must strategize how to pivot to where the opportunities are arising over the next ten years .
“ It ’ s also important to note that there ’ s still a lot of innovation within the automotive industry . We ’ re bringing a new dry filter within our automotive product range , for example , which doesn ’ t need oil and can be cleaned in a different way , yet still offers the same features , benefits , and performance our customers have come to expect from us .
“ There ’ s definitely a lot of room for us to grow even further ,” Leigh concludes . “ We ’ ll continue to solve problems for our existing customers while identifying opportunities to expand in different markets and add new clients to our portfolio .” ■
www . knfilters . co . uk
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