Manufacturing Today Issue - 220 January 2024 | Page 129

actually went through the roof because there were shortages right across the globe , not just in the UK . During that time , we were simply trying to balance shortages with keeping our existing clients happy . Then just as the sector was beginning to normalize , the situation in Ukraine erupted . Ukraine was a prolific steel producer , and the effects were felt keenly around the world . Then recently , prices have completely collapsed for several reasons , which has killed demand . This cycle is beginning to come to an end , but demand has been down in the UK by around 20 percent . As such , we reacted to the situation by reducing our prices but ensuring our service level remains high . We have a high stock turnover to support cash flow and balance this with fulfilling customer requirements .”
Alongside supply chain issues , an additional challenge is attracting labor to the industry . “ We take on apprentices ,” Matthew continues , “ and offer them experience across
the business . It ’ s incredibly difficult to find shop floor labor . We do outreach work with local schools to drive engagement and try to attract younger generations into the industry . As a family business , we stick to our core values and look after our employees at all levels . Most of my management team have been with me for 30 or so years and staff turnover is low . We train internally and are already involved in succession planning for the future of the business .”
Matthew goes on to elaborate on the organization ’ s commitment to sustainability initiatives . “ The trade , in general , is moving very quickly towards carbon neutral steel . From our perspective , we don ’ t buy from mills that we don ’ t trust and that don ’ t have a proven record of trying to improve what they ’ re doing from an environmentally responsible standpoint . All our steel is recyclable , so , any byproducts or scrap goes back to the steel mills to be melted down and repurposed . In terms of our facilities , we
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