With the recent commercialization of travelling to space , demand in this area is rapidly growing
have a strong working relationship with them today . We ’ ve come to supply components to almost all major jet engine manufacturers , as well as air frames and flight controls to companies like Boeing and Airbus .
“ We went from designing products to providing physical system solutions to our customers ,” Michael continues . “ Such system value is created by a strong design philosophy and our dedicated team of experts . We ’ re renowned for our design process , but we also combine that with an in-house supply base and complex manufacturing processes to deliver effective solutions .
“ Our most recent area of interest and growth is in space . With the recent commercialization of travelling to space , demand in this area is rapidly growing . While all our activity is centered around motion controls , we have specific products that provide propulsion , thrust , and other controls to space vehicles .”
Reflecting on what makes Woodward unique , Michael states : “ The performance and quality of the products we provide is secondto-none , but it ’ s our management structure that sets us apart from other businesses . We don ’ t refer to ourselves as employees , but rather , ‘ members ,’ to reflect how much our management team values each individual . It ’ s even codified in what we call our Woodward Constitution , a key document that explains the value we provide to customers , stakeholders , and suppliers , but above all , our members .” manufacturing-today . com 151