______________________________________________________________________________________ Airbus
Helicopters UK financed by Airbus itself , will open in June 2024 coinciding with the UK company ’ s 50th anniversary .
The facility will greatly increase industrial capacity , transform working conditions and ensure safe aviation operations but Lenny explains that a key benefit will be a reduction in carbon emissions of around 50 percent - fully in-line with Airbus ’ global commitment to sustainability . He says : “ This commitment to world-class sustainability is enshrined in our corporate goals today and our customers want to see us taking this path .
“ The new base is a huge step in that direction but we ’ re also well on our way to using sustainable aviation fuel ( SAF ) for all our flight operations here . It will be a blend for now but is pioneering activity and we ’ ve already demonstrated that 100 percent SAF is usable in our helicopters when we get all the necessary approvals . It will cost more but we anticipate that as economies of scale come into play , the cost will come down . We ’ re also looking at a solar farm for the new base and we ’ re moving to electric and hybrid vehicles in our company vehicle fleets as fast as we can .”
Through its expertise in engineering excellence , Airbus Helicopters has secured itself a prosperous future . From what Lenny has shared , Airbus Helicopters ’ dedication to quality customer service and keen eye for innovation , continues to make it a dependable name in the aerospace industry . ■
www . airbushelicopters . co . uk
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