Proud partner to Assembly Solutions
• A Family owned and managed company since 1985
• Supporting the Automotive & OEM markets
• Over £ 4 Million UK Inventory
• World leading manufacturing partners
• Wire , Cable , Components & Accessories
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quality , ASL ensures that every cable assembly batch passes through a precise quality inspection and 100 percent electrical test to ensure accuracy and reliability before being packed and dispatched .
Moving onto wiring harnesses , Gareth highlights that this segment also includes wire looms , and involves the manufacture of large , complex wiring systems . ASL supplies these to world leading companies , with recognizable names such as Aston Martin , Ford and Rolls Royce appearing on its order books . “ I would say that in this area we are best known for our work in the automotive industry . We supply wiring systems for buses , trucks , ambulances , fire engines and many other commercial vehicles .
“ Finally , we build control panels . Our manufacturing capabilities in this area are quite varied , so we supply anything from simple fuse boxes to large , fully assembled , double-door cabinets .”