_________________________________________________________________________ Ryobi Aluminium Casting ( UK )
against the waves of change . Marco reassures customers , stating : “ Thankfully , there is not really any significant impact . The electrified drivelines use a huge amount of aluminum components and parts can be produced with existing equipment , using known processes .”
Marco ’ s perspective sheds light on the adaptability of die casting in the face of electric vehicle dominance . While the industry undergoes a transformation towards electrification , Ryobi leverages existing machinery and processes to meet the demand for components . Marco notes a trend towards tighter tolerances and higher specifications , a pursuit of excellence not exclusive to electric vehicles , but , rather , indicates the industry ’ s wider commitment to continuous improvement .
Instead of viewing the shift to electric vehicles as a challenge , Marco views it as a colossal opportunity . He emphasizes : “ We see the change to electric vehicles as a huge opportunity as the content of aluminum products increases and new potential customers emerge in the market .” For Ryobi , the surge in demand for components in electrified drivelines is not just a trend to navigate but a strategic opening to explore new horizons in the ever-evolving landscape of die casting .
We see the change to electric vehicles as a huge opportunity
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