Manufacturing Today Issue - 221 February 2024 | Page 12

we do is workforce focused . We ’ re helping the region figure out how to raise people out of poverty , and into manufacturing jobs , ultimately creating a positive impact on the community . From acquiring other nonprofits to launching a regional strategy around manufacturing , we have worked on numerous initiatives in support of the sector .
People first
“ We are a service business , but everything we do is about people . At MAGNET we create a culture that attracts good talent ; people want to be here . In terms of the people aspect of leadership , I ’ ve seen it all , the good and the bad , but irrespective , this is the element of business that I really enjoy . It ’ s what gets me super excited and what ultimately drives us as an organization ,” he asserts .
MAGNET ’ s diverse team of manufacturing experts use their skills and expertise to offer consulting services and talent development . “ From lean manufacturing to plant layout and scrap reduction , we ’ re able to advise on all aspects under the operations umbrella ,” Ethan continues . “ This also includes leadership development and how managers can relate to their people to drive staff retention and improve company culture . We also have a large engineering department which designs and builds new products , and custom and complex automation equipment for start-ups and existing companies . We recommend the most appropriate technologies to enhance capacity and efficiency in manufacturers .
“ The smallest of our consulting practices , but no less important , is our sales and marketing and strategy service line . Our portfolio of customizable solutions can help businesses to focus on the right direction , identify opportunities and adapt to an everchanging market to attract , convert and retain customers in a profitable and sustainable way . Additionally , our new ventures team works with physical product and hard tech startup companies to transform ideas into businesses . By asking innovators fundamental product development questions , we can ensure customers will get the solutions they need . Alongside our consulting service lines , we have our workforce talent development offering , which is different because it ’ s not a one-on-one service . You can ’ t solve workforce issues without fixing a systems level problem ,” Ethan explains .
Manufacturers and potential employees alike are experiencing a workforce-related disconnect . Companies are unable to land qualified employees to fill their available roles . Separately , individuals are unaware of the professional training , growth , and opportunities manufacturing offers and how to qualify for them . The MAGNET team works directly with partner manufacturers to build a dedicated talent pipeline through various professional training programs that qualify people for well-paying , stable manufacturing jobs , with the aim of bridging the gap between job seekers and job fillers .
“ Many organizations believe that if they fix one aspect of their workforce issue that the overall problem will be resolved . However , the reality is that the issue encompasses wider societal barriers such as poverty or lack of transport . As such , we ’ ve taken on the role of intermediary . We recruit from within our historically overlooked communities and run programs that enable students to gain handson experience in manufacturing facilities . We take that exposure experience and put students into a European-style apprenticeship program that we ’ ve developed over the last few years . We ’ re also innovating around employment straight out of senior year .
Doing better , doing differently
“ We strive to connect the various pieces , from transportation to training , whether for folks out of the criminal justice system or those that don ’ t have a job . We ’ ve created a whole professional development system to help coaches get better at coaching people