Based in Staffordshire in the UK , Reliance Medical Ltd ( Reliance ) is a world-leading manufacturer and trade distributor of the highest quality surgical dressings , healthcare products , PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment ), medical equipment and first aid supplies . Thanks to its dedication to quality , service and innovation , Reliance has solidified its position as the UK ’ s top manufacturer and trade-only supplier of first aid and medical equipment to the industrial sector . Supported by the largest distributor network for first aid in the UK , the company excels in own brand labelling , stays up to date with the latest regulatory requirements , and serves as the OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer ) for several British and international brands . In addition , Reliance has been a trusted supplier to the NHS and Ambulance services for nearly 15 years . Thomas Pear , Managing Director , sheds light on Reliance ’ s history .
“ Reliance was established in 2006 by my father , making me a second-generation managing director . At that time , the company was led by four directors who boasted around 70 years of industry experience between them . Set up exclusively as a trade-only supplier of first aid and medical products to distributors around the UK , Reliance pledged never to