Manufacturing Today Issue - 221 February 2024 | Page 168

Sustainability strategy
Thomas details Reliance ’ s range of products and how international expansion has greatly facilitated their
Our history of acquisitions has empowered us to deliver these offerings beyond our core markets


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manufacturing and distribution . “ Our initial product offering consisted of a first aid kit encompassing all traditionally included items , such as plasters ,
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tapes , bandages , and dressings . We did not include rubber gloves because their
manufacture requires a much larger facility , which was never on the cards for us . However , over the years , we broadened our product range to include anything that might be associated with first aid . For instance , we manufacture defibrillator cabinets and distribute defibrillators . In essence , we produce most items commonly found on the first aid shelves of high street pharmacies .
“ Our history of acquisitions has empowered us to deliver these offerings beyond our core markets , which are the UK and Ireland . We have very recently opened Reliance Europe in Hungary with the aim to grow our position in Europe and overcome the challenges associated with Brexit . Likewise , Reliance New Zealand was inaugurated last year and is currently doing so well that we are preparing to expand into Reliance Australia soon . Lastly , Reliance Shanghai evolved into a significant manufacturing hub with its own domestic sales division , marking our entry in the Chinese domestic market . Equipped with a state-of-theart cleanroom , our Shanghai facility enables us to manufacture plasters , wipes , dressings , as well as foil blankets and triangular bandages – for which we use automation to improve efficiency . We are also starting to manufacture bags , which is something quite different to our initial aspirations for that facility ,” he adds .
Expanding product portfolio
Sustainability remains at the heart of Reliance ’ s endeavors as the company continues to introduce and manufacture new products . “ Our latest sustainability innovation is our Aura3 Box , which was developed in response to the growing number of companies offering similar first aid kits and the lack of innovation in the industry . Within Reliance , our