Manufacturing Today Issue - 221 February 2024 | Page 170

workforce comprises many university graduates and apprentices from different backgrounds who bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table . During a staff meeting , we recognized how unsustainable the packaging of our original first aid kit was . Indeed , we were enclosing a product in plastic flow wrap packaging , then putting it inside a plastic box that was further wrapped in plastic . This practice didn ’ t align with our environmental credentials and aspirations for a lower carbon footprint .
“ Given that innovation is our hallmark in the market as is our desire to make first aid better for the workplace and the planet , we all agreed to revise the manufacturing and packaging of our first aid kit . After lengthy months of research and development , we found the right manufacturing process that allowed us to produce our Aura3 boxes using fully recycled materials , which are also fully recyclable . However , we quickly realized that we were still sticking plastic labels on the box which could easily be