Manufacturing Today Issue - 221 February 2024 | Page 27

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Efficiency
Process mining works like an ‘ X-Ray ’ of a business and makes it possible to find value opportunities that business leaders might not even be aware of . It offers a ‘ common language ’ which connects business leaders to processes , and teams to each other . This drives sustainability performance by uncovering and eliminating wasteful processes and practices , but also has a rapid and measurable impact in terms of saving cash .
Why manufacturers need data
Data is vital for manufacturing companies , but challenges in harnessing it hinder their business and sustainability goals . The complex nature of modern manufacturing , with just-in-time delivery , slim margins , and intricate supply chains , makes effective use of data crucial .
To meet customer demands and maintain loyalty , manufacturers need real-time visibility to adjust operations , prioritize orders , and engage with sustainable suppliers . However , obtaining timely sustainability-related data on suppliers is a common struggle , making it more difficult for manufacturers to understand and improve their overall sustainability posture . At the same time , global supply chain disruptions , such as shipping delays , contribute to extended transit times , carbon emissions , and environmental impact . Each misstep in fulfilling an order jeopardizes customer loyalty and leads
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