__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cleenol Group
Recognizing that Teepol was an instant success , the brothers divided operations with one continuing the coal business and the other employing a chemist to form a range of complementary products , which led to the birth of Cleenol as we know it today . By 1975 , it had expanded its market coverage across the UK and began to export sales to Europe and the Middle East . Today , its industry-leading products are recognized across the globe .
Cleenol is currently headed up by Sam Greaves , Managing Director , who took over the family business at a tumultuous period in its history . We sit down with Sam to learn about the ways in which he has transformed Cleenol ’ s culture and navigated booming demand during the pandemic , as well as hear about ‘ Project 75 ’ to celebrate 75 years in business and his plans for the business moving forward in a new , sustainabilityfocused era .
“ My involvement with the business started when my father took over around 40 years ago ,” Sam opens . “ He took it through national expansion and then international expansion . I had lots of ideas and ambitious plans , which led me away from the family business as I set up my own operation in the Middle East . I believe in the growth of British brands overseas , so I purchased product from Cleenol but ran my own budget and oversaw relationships with my international partners . I created a great network of fantastic people in Africa , the Middle East , and Europe .
“ With changing family circumstances , I decided to sell my business and bought my grandfather and father ’ s share of Cleenol , with the idea to come in and reinvent existing operations to maximize opportunities for international growth . One of the best things about family businesses is that they typically have personal decision-making processes , and we ’ re no exception .
“ When I took over , the advice I received was to focus on sales , but I quickly realized that we needed to transform our culture ,”
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