Manufacturing Today Issue - 222 March 2024 | Page 159

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Grainger
& Worrall
... our business specializes in serving series customers with low-volume supplies , such as manufacturing major castings for several supercar products
Not unlike most businesses in the manufacturing industry , GW faced unprecedented setbacks during the pandemic . Jay reveals how the company remained adaptable in the face of changing circumstances . “ Historically , aluminum casting played a crucial role in manufacturing major engine castings such as cylinder heads , cylinder blocks , and gearbox casings . However , the pandemic served as a significant turning point for two reasons . Firstly , manufacturing is incredibly difficult to do remotely , so we had to reimagine how to keep the business moving forward safely while still continuing to serve the global market . Another significant shift occurred during the pandemic , with the transition to new sustainable technologies within many sectors , which contributes about 75 percent of our £ 80 million turnover . Major OEMs , aerospace , infrastructure and numerous motorsport clients recognized the rising momentum of emissions regulations and sustainable transport , driving their search for solutions . One of the two areas our business specializes in is serving series customers with low-volume supplies , such as manufacturing major castings for several supercar products . Our other operations are focused on prototype , pre-production , and motorsport work . In other words , it involves bespoke proof-of-concept products that are in the early stages of development . This aspect of the business offers us the privilege to
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