Manufacturing Today Issue - 222 March 2024 | Page 175

__________________________________________________________________________________ KIRCHHOFF
As a woman in the industry , I am very keen on developing young people ’ s skills – irrespective of their gender identity
– as they are the future of the company . It is particularly rewarding to spend time with a young individual who has the drive and dedication to excel , but just needs some guidance and training to progress into the next level . Witnessing their growth truly is the best part of my job and makes me very proud of the KIRCHHOFFF Automotive team and its progress . Our company culture revolves around running the business with honesty , trust , and respect . As our owners are in Germany , we may only get to see them a couple of times a year . Nonetheless , when we do , they make us feel very important and actively listen to what the plant personnel has to say . This positive relationship drives the plant management team to continue pushing for excellence ,” she says .
Looking at the year ahead , Missy reflects on what her aspirations are for KIRCHHOFF Automotive ’ s Tecumseh plant . “ 2024 will be all about empowering our team by enhancing their knowledge even further . Furthermore , as we have continued to improve our customer and supplier relationships , we expect to witness significant growth in the near future . I believe this level of growth and continued success will only be achievable through our very knowledgeable team ,” she ends .
By focusing on developing talent and embracing technology , KIRCHHOFF Automotive is well-positioned to continue making waves in the industry for years to come . ■
www . kirchhoff-automotive . com
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