Manufacturing Today Issue - 222 March 2024 | Page 185

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Manitex International
and heavier , with more horsepower to get the job done . We ’ re now seeing a shift in market demand . What we ’ re finding is that the next wave of productivity enhancements is coming through making our machinery smarter .
“ Our products in Europe were already geared toward being more lightweight with ample room for payload and efficiency . The EU has more stringent highway weight and dimension standards , necessitating smaller , lighter-weight solutions . Now , we ’ re seeing those same products take off in North America . Contractors are looking for smarter , precise solutions in North America . This favors Manitex going forward . We will continue focusing our attention on smart machinery and technology to support the growth we are seeing across the North American market .
“ In order to provide the best value for customers , as well as our people within the business , Manitex International needs to remain a thriving company . That means managing growth , keeping profits sustainable , and cementing our position as a top quartile performer . There are more investments coming up in the future , however we want to fulfill the promises we have made before committing to growth on that scale ,” he concludes . ■
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