Manufacturing Today Issue - 222 March 2024 | Page 203

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Polykemi
When it comes to customized compounds , Polykemi works closely with the customer to consider a spectrum of mechanical and thermal requirements . Depending on the end use , the business leverages its knowledge of minerals to help with selecting suitable base polymers or raw materials , which include talcum , calcium carbonate , kaolin , or glass beads .
Once established , the chemical requirement profile gives Polykemi an indication of which additives should be used to improve the materials ’ properties , such as resistance to sunlight , permanent antistatic , or resistance to long term heat . Finally , color requirements are agreed , and the customer is presented with a unique , customized , and ready-to-use compound .
To achieve optimal customization , Polykemi also operates a well-equipped laboratory where it tests the material properties of all products to ensure they are produced in accordance with the customer ’ s
As one of the key differentiators between Polykemi and its competitors , color matching is a core part of the overall operation
specifications . The laboratory not only boasts a wide range of test equipment , but also has an experienced team of experts to oversee operations .
As one of the key differentiators between Polykemi and its competitors , color matching is a core part of the overall operation . Having a wide range of color and gloss options is therefore a high priority in the laboratory , with the team preparing unique pigment recipes according to customers ’ specific requests .
Similarly , to keep up with evolving demands on analysis and specialized compounds , the laboratory is responsible for
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