Manufacturing Today Issue - 222 March 2024 | Page 49

Our key markets remain the US , UK , Europe , and the Middle East , as these regions are constantly looking for integrated pest management solutions and digital products that protect public health while working in harmony with nature . We also plan to develop our operations in South Asia , where we have a world class production facility in the Pune region of India , and to further expand our sales channels in this growing market .
Refreshed corporate brand reflects strategic focus
In early March 2024 , Pelsis introduced its refreshed corporate brandmark , signaling a new , increasingly digital chapter in the company ’ s journey and its ongoing commitment to customers . Alex says : “ We are committed to building ‘ One Pelsis ’ – a unified company , greater than the sum of its parts , that stands for excellence , performance , teamwork , and customer focus .
“ We ’ re pursuing a growth agenda with four foundational projects centered around people , technology , culture , and sustainability , with an additional four growth drivers ; new product development , digital products and services , sales and channel excellence , and operational excellence ,” he concludes . “ Overall , we ’ re looking forward to global growth by delivering products that meet changing trends and evolving customer needs as we continue to lead and disrupt the industry .” ■
www . pelsis . com
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