_______________________________________________________________________________ The
Harris Products Group
“ Our facility in Gainesville , Georgia , just outside of Atlanta is a primary site for gas control equipment . We also have a facility in Dzierżoniów , Poland , where we manufacture gas torches and cutting apparatus , as well as gas control equipment . Our plant in Verona , Italy , focuses on engineering and design from a manufacturing standpoint , and also manufactures a valve integrated pressure regulator , known in the industry as a VIPR . While these are very common around the world , and improve safety and productivity , they ’ re relatively new in the US market , so we ’ ve seen considerable growth in the last five years or so as this product has been introduced to the US .
“ We ’ ve found overall efficiency by focusing on the strength of each of our plants and using those strengths to bolster each segment . In some instances , for example , it can be more efficient to approach production by splitting processes between sites ,” he elaborates .
“ I ’ m based in Mason , Ohio , where we have a full casting operation to make finished brazing rods . We also have locations in Brazil and Portugal that do similar outputs for local markets , other than for the European market , which has a high silver component to it as well .
“ Our plants focus on unique capabilities and service the local markets , remaining close to customers to better service their needs . Our site in Brazil , for instance , does a little bit of everything , primarily for the Latin American market . Having an extensive global footprint really gives us a strong advantage in terms of being flexible and quick to respond to our customers ’ requirements ,” Greg explains .
Alongside this local presence , investments in automation have also been critical to improving productivity and meeting demand . “ Post Covid , we found that our customers were
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