Manufacturing Today Issue - 223 April 2024 | Page 34

Exclusive Feature ______________________________________________________________________________________________
this client . Improving customer satisfaction is something we ’ ve achieved alongside our new efficiencies and continuous process improvements .”
Driving R & D
Nick then moves onto sustainability and the green side of the business . “ We ’ re always looking to decrease our impact on the environment , reduce waste and emissions , increase efficiency and so on . There are several regulations surrounding our products , given their use with water , and we pay a lot of attention to that . For example , PFAS , chemicals that can linger in water , are a major topic , and globally as a business ProMinent is working on solutions that will be PFAS free .”
One of the reasons this kind of forwardthinking investment is possible is that ProMinent is a privately held company . “ We are open very open to product development opportunities , partnerships and acquisitions ,” notes Nick , “ providing a solid plan is laid out based on sound data .”
This approach means that new technology is continuously being adopted too – having brought computers to all the manufacturing workstations during Covid , ProMinent then introduced Teams , so that engineers can talk through problems with colleagues on the shop floor and anywhere in the world . “ We took it to a step further with a phone app for people in the field to communicate with our technical field support to solve issues in real time . We ’ re constantly developing and evolving .”
After the amazing journey that ProMinent has been on in the US , it ’ s no surprise that the team has been chosen to work on some specific new product development , a task that has previously only been done in Germany . Nick can ’ t reveal details but acknowledges the significance . “ We have people from different locations around the world involved but we are a key part of driving that R & D on this product and the result will be a global offering .”
Looking to the future , Nick will continue to strive for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness , with the ambition of more than
doubling the business ’ current size . “ This is not necessarily growing our physical location , as we can still do a lot with what we have , as well as do more with other locations . If we continue to grow and develop our people , build operational efficiencies , resource the business correctly , and move quickly in response to where the market is going , then we ’ re going to continue to see growth and profitability . Continuous improvement is always our priority – it doesn ’ t matter if it ’ s sales , marketing , engineering , manufacturing , or people – we ’ re always looking at how we take our resources and continue to grow to the next level .” ■
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