Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 113

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Burnside
many renowned companies , such as Volvo and John Deere ,” he begins .
“ As a result , we adopted many of the working practices and strategies of those companies , from procurement to automation , for example . Today , this enables us to design and manufacture cylinders to the bespoke requirements of our OEM customers , on a just-in-time delivery system . Over the last few years , we have built three new production halls and invested significantly in automation for the continued success of the organization . This is to address demographic changes and cost competitive issues . We are midway through a € 6 million investment plan in automation across all areas of the business , from welding , machining , and assembly to testing .
“ One of the reasons for the need for automation is an issue that ’ s prevalent across all industries , and not just here in Ireland , but in Europe and the States too . There are
We ’ ve been collaborating with some key , international players to make all aspects of the company leaner
currently so few people available to work in factories . It ’ s not that we want to reduce the number of people we employ ; on the contrary , we want to maintain and increase our workforce . To grow the business , however , we need to implement automation because of that lack of available skills in the market . Right now , we ’ re in a cycle post-pandemic , where there ’ s been a big drive to reduce costs after the significant price inflation of the last few years . By increasing automation across all areas of the company , we can become more productive with the number of people we have and that will allow us to not just maintain existing business but grow our organization as well . In fact , without automation , growth won ’ t be achievable ,” Robert elaborates . He goes on to explain that while the company ’ s
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