Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 14

Main Interview __________________________________________________________________________________________________
“ Alongside supply chain transformation , sustainability is , of course , a big subject . The sector is playing a little bit of catch up in that area but considering broader events impacting the industry over the last few years , it ’ s not surprising that progress needs to be made . We commissioned a global industrial transition pathways survey with Kantar late last year . This blind survey of some 375 global companies showed that Net Zero is commercially important to 98 percent of businesses in the industrials and chemicals sectors . This is consistent with our dialogue with UK corporate clients in the sector . As businesses benefit from reduced working capital requirements due to normalization of supply chains , they ’ re able to start addressing longer term sustainability challenges and investment needs . We are already seeing a lot of innovation in the manufacturing sector , with circular economy practices driving progress . As one of the world ’ s largest banks , we have an important role to play in facilitating this transition and have committed to providing between 750 billion and one trillion dollars of sustainable finance and investment globally up to 2030 to support our clients .
“ Closer to home ,” he continues , “ there are incentives like our Green SME Fund . This is available to UK SMEs with up to a 25-millionpound group annual turnover and helps them to invest in green projects to progress sustainability strategies . The needs of corporate clients are varied and we ’ re working to identify any gaps in our propositions to drive improvement in sustainability . Manufacturing is a broad sector , with numerous sub-sectors therein . A big part of my job is to ensure our frontline bankers are up to speed with the latest thematic issues within those subsectors , so they can have knowledgeable conversations with clients about both risks
The UK is the eighth largest manufacturer in the world
and opportunities from a transition and sustainability perspective .
“ A real privilege of my role is that I get to work with businesses of different types and sizes . Knowing that I have a responsibility and an important role to play in our clients achieving their objectives is uplifting , be that helping start-ups , supporting growth of established businesses , or facilitating connections to other specialist colleagues in the bank for strategic M & A advice at the appropriate time for example ,” Rohit enthuses . “ Equally , coaching and mentoring less experienced colleagues , shaping the delivery of some of our people development programs , and fostering an ideas-led innovative culture are aspects of the role I find incredibly rewarding .
“ Consistency is key for me in any relationship dialogue and building trust is fundamental . I interact with multiple business leaders throughout the year , and it all boils down to understanding the human element . It ’ s fascinating to see the different management styles in action and how they respond to similar challenges .”
As global supply chain transformation unfolds , the opportunity is ripe for UK manufacturing to play to its strengths . “ The UK is the eighth largest manufacturer in the world ,” he continues . “ Many of our clients operate globally , so we need to help them leverage their edge , which will be key going forward . We remain committed to supporting ambitious businesses that are looking to capture opportunities . Our experience shows that clients who operate globally are more resilient ,” he concludes . “ We must not underestimate the importance of continuing to look at new revenue streams and markets . Talking to our clients about new opportunities is core to what we do and helping them navigate change is an exciting part of our role . I believe we are in a very privileged position to be able to do that .” ■