Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 149

________________________________________________________________________________________________ MoistTech Corp
Successful relationships
When we last spoke with the business , the team were keen to strengthen MoistTech ’ s marketing presence and attend more trade shows . “ Last year , we attended a total of 24 trade shows , including four where we debuted our equipment , and we ’ ve received great results , with new opportunities in customer applications ,” Sarah says .
“ The ability to network and interact with customers face-to-face allows us to truly understand the manufacturing issues they are facing and how a simple implementation of moisture measurement and control can almost always alleviate their issues in some way . Although we also perform many other marketing activities , building customer relationships through networking will always be one of our strongest features .
“ Our approach to customer relationships links to product development ,” she continues . “ At times we learn right alongside the customer ; we know our technology inside and out , but sometimes we come across an application that we haven ’ t worked with before . We ’ re all about successful relationships and ensuring outcomes work for both parties , so running tests and providing the customer with accuracy levels allows us to determine how well an application will work .”
Plug and play
Turning to the advantages MoistTech ’ s sensors bring to clients ’ applications , Sarah explains : “ Our product offers immediate production line adjustments to improve product quality and consistency . Whereas alternative systems must stop the production line to make adjustments , our product alleviates concerns over lost time and money – not to mention possibly wasted product due to bad moisture levels .
Over the next year , we intend to grow our team to better cover the needs of our customers ...
“ For most products , moisture content has an undesired effect on the quality of the final products , but controlling and adjusting the moisture content can eliminate numerous issues . Each application has varying benefits , but generally brings advantages like improved product quality monitoring , reduced waste , increased control , and improved accuracy .
“ We pride ourselves on providing systems that require minimal maintenance ,” she states . “ The only maintenance our equipment requires is ensuring the lens is kept clean to see the material , which is accomplished by connecting one-to-two PSI of air . This enhances our ‘ plug and play ’ operation , as the systems can simply be installed without the need for any further interference .”
As a leading provider of NIR technology , MoistTech is sure to continue innovating in the realm of moisture measurement and control technology to meet manufacturers ’ evolving requirements . By actively engaging with clients to accurately understand their needs , the business not only delivers tailored solutions , but fosters longstanding relationships built on mutual success .
“ Over the next year , we intend to grow our team to better cover the needs of our customers and provide more on-site assistance and training ,” Sarah concludes . “ We ’ re also establishing a dedicated startup team to assist customers in immediate implementation , increase vendor relationships , and ensure our increase in tradeshow attendance remains on the upswing .” ■
www . moisttech . com
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