Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 155

to investing in the local community . The company produced 960 kilometers of pink agricultural drains : a creative and unique awareness campaign for the benefit of the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation . “ It is also actively involved in fundraising for foundations and civic organizations and we plan to be equally active in Saratoga in terms of community commitment ,” Mathieu shares . “ As a company , Soleno is very much about doing what ’ s right ; whether that ’ s for us , for customers or for the community . The organization very much aligns with my values and so much good goes on quietly behind the scenes .”
Looking to the future , Mathieu discusses his vision for Soleno as it continues to grow in the US and in existing operations in Canada . “ The growth potential in the United States with this technology is tremendous . The demand for large diameter pipes is predicted to be billions of dollars ’ worth , so the potential is not just great for Soleno but
The growth potential in the United States with this technology is tremendous
also for infrastructure in general . HDPE pipes boast greater longevity , while being lighter in weight than their concrete counterparts , as well as having a much smaller impact on the environment , so the potential therein is exponential .
“ Pipes don ’ t travel well , so it ’ s important to be close to potential markets as demand for our capabilities increases , so we do anticipate geographical growth with this technology ,” he concludes . “ This is a terrific solution to postconsumer , single-use plastic waste , as in effect , these pipes will be purposeful forever .” ■
www . soleno . com
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