Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 32

Cover Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
developed a platform that only takes a matter of minutes to be unpacked and ready to use ,” says Yehia .
“ Aerial delivery isn ’ t just boats and vehicles ,” he adds . “ Life-saving aid is also being delivered by IrvinGQ ® technology , most recently in Gaza .” It ’ s clearly imperative the contents being delivered into this sort of situation lands safely and can be distributed and used by those in need .
Customer intimacy is a contingent part of the overall dedication to quality that underpins IrvinGQ ® . As Carl Davis , Vice President of Operations notes , the business must maintain exceptional service from start to finish . “ One of our customers recently stated they believe they now have the ‘ best aerial delivery system in the world ’ following working with us on service , flight trials and product delivery . That was nice feedback , following a year of hard work and it gives great satisfaction to the workforce . It is key to us to share feedback back into the business , so that our people get that sense of pride and achievement from any key milestones .”
The systems to which Tony , Carl and Yehia refer are being used by militaries around the world . “ They use them because the technology is proven , and our legacy of credibility is of huge importance ,” adds Carl .
“ Our work is highly skilled and interesting , but also very meaningful . We regularly hear of and publicize incidents where lives have been saved by the products made by our employees . I think the number is over 7000 now . We have had people visit who are alive because of our parachutes . Safety is in the fabric of our business .”
Tony continues : “ We always alert the team in the textiles production area when someone safely ejects from an aircraft with one of our parachutes , so they know a life was saved thanks to what they did . We can genuinely link what somebody did one