Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 34

Cover Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
IrvinGQ ® has also expanded its purview to the local community and the wider environment . Having recently installed over 900 solar panels on top of its factory roof to utilize sustainable energy , it is also using its position as a significant local employer to , in Tony ’ s words ‘ give back , pay forward ’ and at the same time , reduce waste .
“ We are working with local schools and colleges to use our scrap metal and fabric . We don ’ t want to send it to landfill , and if students can benefit from it , then so much the better . We also do STEM engagement with local schools , where we go in and show them the cool stuff we make ,” continues Tony . “ We put kids in a parachute harness and generally try to get them excited about engineering . If we can inspire them to make science choices for GCSE and get more girls into STEM it helps us and it helps our local community .”
This next generation of scientists can only benefit IrvinGQ ® as it looks to the future . “ We are starting to look at unmanned systems that don ’ t need someone to pick them up from where they land . We ’ re talking to major customers about what they see as the next iteration of our products to make them better suit their needs . It ’ s always about our customers , so we will always be pushing forward with new products .
“ I don ’ t think anyone would have foreseen we ’ d evolve from manufacturing personnel parachutes to the range of innovations we have now ,” concludes Yehia . “ We don ’ t want to let our legacy or our customers down , so we will always continue to be innovative and maintain our position . We ’ ve proven our abilities and nobody else can do what we do .” ■
www . irvingq . com