Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 38

Port of Southampton : streamlining logistics with enhanced connectivity The Port of Southampton has undergone a transformative upgrade with Verizon ’ s private cellular network . Real-time tracking and improved data flows are now possible thanks to this crucial improvement , which is essential for effective logistics management . The port has seen a notable decrease in operating delays and a 30 percent increase in logistical throughput as a result of these upgrades . Furthermore , improved adherence to safety and regulatory requirements is made possible by the enhanced data capabilities , which improve cargo handling efficiency and provide safer working environments . This demonstrates Verizon ’ s dedication to providing complete industrial solutions .
Technical advantages of Verizon ’ s private cellular networks
Verizon ’ s private networks are redefining how operations are executed and managed , providing unmatched technical and economic benefits that revolutionize industry standards .
Speed and reliability Breakthrough private cellular technologies from Verizon are powered by lightningfast data rates and extremely low latency . Manufacturers can anticipate approximately 40 percent productivity benefits for both people and equipment by utilizing 5G ’ s high bandwidth and low latency connectivity . This enhanced performance enables instantaneous control of robotics , automated guided vehicles , and other interconnected manufacturing systems .