Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 41

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Verizon
The expansion of private cellular networks in manufacturing
Verizon is not just delivering a strong network backbone ; the business is also leading strategic collaborations and encouraging innovation in pioneering private cellular network solutions for manufacturing . These joint initiatives improve manufacturing capacities by embracing breakthrough technology like digital twins and predictive maintenance efficiency that are not possible using traditional approaches .
Verizon ’ s relentless commitment to advancing 5G technology and nurturing its disruptive applications strengthens its crucial role in determining the future of industrial operations . The constant evolution and largescale implementation of these networks enables firms to not only streamline current operations , but also efficiently address increasing difficulties and capitalize on new market opportunities .
Embracing the future with Verizon ’ s private 5G
Verizon ’ s private 5G networks are accelerating the digital transition in industry . Verizon enables organizations to overcome operational constraints and create a lasting competitive advantage by providing unparalleled connectivity , speed , and security .
This unique solution illustrates Verizon ’ s dedication to industry leadership via continuous innovation . As advanced manufacturing demands rise , Verizon ’ s 5G will
hasten the shift to Industry 4.0 , changing the terrain into an interconnected , dynamic , and highly efficient industrial environment .
Verizon guarantees that manufacturers remain in the forefront , with the tools to outperform disruptions . Verizon envisions a future in which digital and physical production environments are integrated and optimized using real-time data , machine learning , and predictive intelligence .
Verizon ’ s continued investment in R & D and strategic collaborations strengthens its position as a pioneer in this industrial renaissance . Its private cellular expertise is at the intersection of cutting-edge technology and manufacturing excellence , enabling exceptional operational performance , sustainable growth , and long-term market leadership . ■
www . verizon . com / 5g /
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