Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 75

_______________________________________________________________________ Alexander
Battery Technologies
“ The starting point was a strategy for bringing in new customers from across Europe . We decided to hire a brand-new sales and marketing team . We specifically brought people on board who had experience in the battery industry , as they immediately knew how to grow the brand and increase people ’ s awareness .
“ Now , Alexander Battery Technologies is coming up to its 40th anniversary . Despite our long lineage , not many people knew who we were . We had strong partnerships with established customers , big OEMs and such , but other than that people weren ’ t as aware of us as we ’ d have liked . We were the battery industry ’ s best kept secret .
“ Coming out of the pandemic , we had a lot of momentum . We wanted to put that to good use , and the number one priority was building brand awareness . Alongside the new marketing team , we booked lots of industry events and shows to really get our name out there . It was a hugely successful strategy , which launched us into several exciting new projects .”
To level up its operations , Alexander Battery Technologies has invested in new , state-of-the-art facilities . “ The Battery Technology Centre was opened around this time last year . Part of our strategy has been building out our facilities , to extend our
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