Manufacturing Today Issue - 224 May 2024 | Page 83

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alterman
Photo : David Marquez
Today , the company ’ s legacy of excellence and dedication to customer success remains at the forefront of its operations , solidifying its position as a leader in the electrical contracting industry .
Constructing connections
Even more recently , over the past 12 months , Alterman has undergone a transformational journey , taking the ambitious corporate campus project in Live Oak , Texas , from concept to reality . In our conversation with Greg , we explore the highlights of this journey and how the business is taking 100 years of success into its next century .
“ It ’ s been quite a ride ,” Greg reflects . “ Since we broke ground on the project , we ’ ve turned an idea on paper into something real , and it happened faster than we expected .” The journey began in June 2021 when Greg reached out to start the project . Fast forward almost three years , and Alterman ’ s new headquarters is completed .
“ We ’ ve transitioned from feeling constrained by our old space to embracing
the possibilities of our new one ,” Greg explains . The team is still adjusting , occasionally finding themselves in virtual meetings even though they ’ re just down the hall from each other . “ It ’ s a unique experience , and everyone is still in awe ,” he shares .
Greg notes that the project has been long anticipated and has subsequently renewed the team ’ s morale . “ I couldn ’ t wait to finally move into our new HQ . It ’ s been my focus for years , and I was so excited to see it become a reality .” However , there was a bittersweet feeling knowing that the project ’ s completion marks the end of daily interactions with the team .
Megan Moshier , lead designer with Studio8 , has been working closely with Alterman on the project , and echoes Greg ’ s sentiments . “ The relationships we ’ ve built during this process have been invaluable . The new building is stunning , but it ’ s the connections we ’ ve made that truly stand out .”
Although the new campus has been at the forefront of everyone ’ s mind over at Alterman , the business has still had other contracts to fulfill . Among the ongoing construction , Greg has also
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