_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Red Trail Energy
With investments exceeding $ 60 million , RTE ’ s North Dakota plant has witnessed significant upgrades and expansions throughout its existence . As a result , it now produces 65 million gallons of bioethanol per year . Some of the other investments we made include the installation of a railroad track for enhanced shipping capabilities , expanding the production process to increase output , and implementing a corn oil extraction system to create more coproducts . Notably , RTE acquired a United States pharmacopeia ( USP ) distillation setup , allowing it to produce higher-purity USP alcohol that meets the USP monograph , thereby broadening our product offerings . Lastly , a carbon capture and storage unit was added , reducing the carbon intensity of our bioethanol ,” she recounts .
Within this plant , RTE has implemented various technologies to make its corn-based products manufacturing more efficient . “ Received as a raw commodity , our corn initially passes through hammermills , which grind it into a fine granular consistency known as corn meal . From there , the meal is transported via a conveyor to the processing building , where it is mixed with water and enzymes , and heated to 186 degrees Fahrenheit , breaking the starch down into fermentable sugars . To lower its temperature to 92 degrees Fahrenheit , the mixture is then passed through a series of heat exchangers . Next , yeast is added to the
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