Manufacturing Today Issue - 225 June 2024 | Page 77



Norway ’ s foremost manufacturer of urban furniture , Vestre , takes on new challenges with its expansive production network

Seamlessly bridging the gap between place and planet , Vestre is known for its shared commitment to sustainability , design , and society . The sustainable urban furniture company dates back to 1947 and has a long history of innovation behind it . As Production Director , Erik Olsson , begins : “ In the early years , the company produced , among other things , equipment for playgrounds and gyms . Our first Hvilan bench was produced in 1980 after a design competition – which also marks the first of many successful collaborations with Scandinavian designers . The company has had many evolutions since then – in 2013 it opened its first factory in Torsby , Sweden , and in 2022 The Plus factory opened in Magnor , Norway .

“ Our values of design , quality , and sustainability run through everything that we do , including how we design and produce our furniture . These three elements are very closely linked to each other . For example , we design furniture that has a life-time warranty against rust , thanks to our hot-dip galvanizing process . This is more than just a manufacturing detail , it is also our way of ensuring that our products last a lifetime , which is the core of our sustainability efforts .”
Energy efficient practices are part of Vestre ’ s DNA , as Erik asserts : “ We believe that everyone can change the world , even a little . We only have one planet , and everyone needs to play their part . Our goal is to produce furniture that lasts , to minimize any negative impact on nature and climate , and
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