Manufacturing Today Issue - 228 Sept 2024 | Page 43

__________________________________________________________________________ Knight
’ s Armament Company
Advancements in ammunition , simulation software , manufacturing techniques , and evolving customer needs constantly reveal opportunities for product improvement and new product lines . We have been in this industry for over 40 years , relying on manufacturing improvements to continually break new ground in developing products for our customers .
Continual innovation
“ We have an honest and transparent relationship with our customers . They feel empowered to give feedback and constructive criticism , to tell us what they don ’ t like and what needs to be better . Many companies tend to think their product is bulletproof , so to speak . Conversely , we like to believe the customer knows best and approach our relationships from that perspective ,” he shares .
With expansion of defense manufacturing on the cards for KAC , Reed believes American industrial success is subject to several key factors . “ Innovation revolutionized industry , enabling increased productivity
and efficiency . Infrastructure development connects different countries , opening new markets for goods and services . This entrepreneurial spirit and a culture of innovation are essential to American industrial expansion . Visionary entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in establishing and enhancing industries using both innovative ideas , and investment in research and development .
“ New access into international markets to satisfy consumer demand is critical to generating healthy economic growth . KAC has reinvested in innovative tools and machines , which enable us to have an aggressive in-house research and development program , to bolster design , prototyping , testing , evaluation and manufacturing . These innovative tools include automation , robotics and additive manufacturing ( AM ). Our greatest challenge is adapting to the motivation of today ’ s workforce , which differs from past generations . In our location , the type of manufacturing that necessitates a qualified and specialized labor force is robust , yet the talent pool is limited , causing substantial
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