Manufacturing Today Issue - 228 Sept 2024 | Page 48

Knight ’ s Armament Company ___________________________________________________________________________
training grants for integrated talent support solutions to help businesses like KAC find , develop , and keep talented employees . Reed elaborates : “ The CareerSource Florida team provides the expertise , funding and resources that we value . They help us source suitable and relevant talent to help fill the critical positions we have .
“ We have three apprenticeship model programs to attract and cultivate talent within our specific industry as well as the manufacturing industry in general . KAC also uses an employee referral program ; a recruiting strategy that encourages our employees through rewards to refer qualified candidates for our company . Likewise , for many years , we have fostered relationships with local high schools and colleges , revealing and promoting the significant benefits of working in the manufacturing industry . Developing young people ’ s interest in the manufacturing field is the most important step in their building a career in our industry , and KAC is proud to actively play a role in encouraging this .
“ Alongside my focus on workforce
improvement , and especially with numerous concerning matters across the globe , there needs to be a concerted effort to streamline the supply process as well . America needs to have a strong industrial base , and it cannot do it without passionate entrepreneurs , a trained workforce and new innovative manufacturing methods . We need the American people pulling together to partner with educators , industry and politicians to build a workforce that prioritizes strength to secure our nation ’ s future ; KAC proudly champions this cause .
“ Looking further afield , if I had one wish , it would be that the world was at peace and no longer needed a company like KAC ,” Reed concludes . “ That said , I probably won ’ t be able to recognize the company in the next five years if we progress as much as we have in the last five . Finally , if America does not bring innovative manufacturing back to the US , like we did in WWII , we will find ourselves falling behind other inspired countries .” ■
www . knightarmco . com